
Questions related to purchase and sale

Both private individuals and legal entities can be owners of the boxes.

Kõigepealt peaksid valima endale sobiva boksi meie kodulehelt. Boksi lõpphinna saad samuti arvutada meie kodulehel hinnakalkulaatori abil ning saata oma meilile vormistatud hinnapakkumise. Hinnapakkumist saad küsida ka meili või telefoni teel. Juhul kui pakkumine sobib ja oled valmis ostutehinguks, anna meile sellest teada. Saadame kinnituse saamisel eelmüügi broneerimislepingu, mille alusel tuleb tasuda 500 € broneerimistasu. Alates 01. oktoobrist 2024 oleme valmis sõlmima notariaalse võlaõigusliku müügilepingu (VÕL). Alates juulist 2025, siis kui hoone on lõplikult valmis, sõlmime asjaõigusliku müügilepingu. Maksetingimused ja maksegraafikud lepime kokku iga ostjaga personaalselt. 

Purchasing a parking space is not mandatory. Initially, only one personal parking space per box can be purchased. Those interested in additional spaces should inform us.

The seller and the buyer share the costs equally, and the state duty is paid by the buyer. If the buyer uses the services of a financial institution, then the costs of setting up the mortgage are also paid by the buyer.

Yes, it is possible to purchase the boxes with a bank loan as well. For this, you need to contact your bank manager and submit all the necessary documents. If needed, you can also inquire about loan offers from our partners.

Each box receives its specific number (like an apartment) and can be registered as the legal address of the company.

Each box owner has the option to rent out their box. We offer all box owners the opportunity to organize the rental of their boxes through our website's platform. For this purpose, we create a kind of digital counterpart for each physical box on the website, and the owner can activate it at any time if needed and offer it on the rental or sales market. Boxes can also be rented out independently.

Questions related to development

The form of ownership of the boxes is condominium ownership. After the notarization of the purchase and sale agreement, each box becomes the condominium ownership of a specific owner. All box owners become members of the condominium association established in the commercial building. The future management and administration of the commercial building operate on the same principles as in existing condominium associations. 

Hoone saab valmis juulis 2025 aastal. Kogu infrastruktuur ja välimine hoov said valmis oktoobris 2023 aastal.

The largest monthly expenses are for winter snow removal, maintenance of the courtyard area, and upkeep of common areas. The management costs depend on the service provider.

On the premises, there are two designated parking lots: one in the inner courtyard with 48 parking spaces (including 1 disabled parking space, 4 parking spaces for cars with trailers) and the other in the outer courtyard with seven parking spaces (including 1 disabled parking space). The parking spaces in the inner courtyard are personal and can be purchased together with the box. The parking spaces in the outer courtyard are intended for guests or for short-term parking by box owners. Parking by the gate of one's box is not allowed; only short-term stopping for loading or unloading is permitted. Mõlemas parklas on ettenähtud jalgratta/mootorratta parkimiskohad.

You are allowed to park temporarily for loading and unloading purposes. Therefore, if you have long-term parking needs, we recommend purchasing a personal parking space.

The building has an A energy label. It is designed with a steel frame construction. The exterior and interior walls are made of fire-resistant sandwich panels. The floor is made of concrete. Both the floor and the roof are insulated.

Each box is equipped with its own air-to-air heat pump, which can also be used to cool the rooms in summer if desired. The outdoor units of the device are placed on the roof, and the indoor units are mounted on the walls of the boxes. The device has the highest energy efficiency class, A+++, and a Wi-Fi module for controlling the device via smartphone/tablet.

The building's main switchboard is 3x250A, which is divided among the boxes. Electricity is billed according to the consumed amount.

It is possible to install solar panels within the roof area of each box. The readiness for the installation of the panels is there.

In each unit, water and sewage connections are provided along with a water meter. Payment is based on the consumed amount of water

Each unit is equipped with its own air-to-air heat pump, which can be used to cool the rooms during the summer if desired. 

The ceiling height of the units is 6 meters.

Each box has its own exhaust fan. Fresh air vents in the outer wall compensate for the exhaust.

There is video surveillance on the premises. The property is enclosed by a fence.

The building is equipped with an automatic fire alarm system, evacuation lighting, smoke extraction, lightning protection, indication and control panel, and fire extinguishers. The interior and exterior walls of the building are made of fire-resistant sandwich panels, which provide higher fire safety compared to traditional solutions.

"Each box has an upper window strip. Additional windows can be installed if needed."

In each unit, there are large overhead industrial doors with pedestrian doors and automation. Some units have gates sized 3.2 x 3.0 meters, while others have gates sized 4.2 x 3.5 meters. 

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    Location of the boxes:

    The boxes are located only 3 km from the border of Tallinn, in the rapidly developing village of Loo. Nearby are Viimsi, Iru, Lagedi, Soodevahe, Muuga, and Maardu.

    Boksid OÜ

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